Reminder and Return to Instruction- 4 Days a Week


Distance learning students who are planning to return to in-person instruction need to contact your student’s school and notify them by Friday, November 6th. If you’ve already filled out the survey, or contacted your student’s school, you DO NOT need to make contact again.

These students will be brought in with smaller numbers to teach them our COVID-19 protocols. Your students’ school will contact you with more information.

Re-entry Update:

The Lewis County Board of Education voted to have the, middle school and high school, in-person learning students return to school for 4 days a week. This change will go into effect on Monday, November 16th. Group 1 and Group 2 students will now attend on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays will still be a distance learning day and the 1:30 dismissal will still be in place. The elementary students have already been attending 4 days a week and will continue to do so.